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【黄广国际生化社团,自制香薰和口红】Take you to find the joy of life



The International Department of Huanggang Middle School Guangzhou Branch has established a Bio & Chem development club, which uses various group activities to consolidate, deepen and expand students' bio-chemical knowledge, cultivate students' interest in bio-chemistry, and improve students' scientific inquiry ability. The purpose of the club is to comprehensively improve students’ bio-chemical science literacy, focusing on cultivating students’ innovative spirit and practical ability, making various activities in line with the development of students and the needs of society, and allowing students to learn more about the new developments in bio-chemical sciences and their Widely used in life.


This semester, guided by the interest of students, the topics formulated by the Bio-chemical Society are "Homemade Aromatherapy" and "Homemade Lipstick".



After consulting the preliminary information, prepare the corresponding materials: soybean wax and essential oil, and use this to expand the science of chemistry knowledge, combine the taste and appearance of the students love, and formulate a plan to guide them to explore in the chemistry laboratory .


In the course of club activities, teachers and students continuously interacted and discussed and studied the key points and difficulties in the course, which greatly stimulated students' interest and enthusiasm in exploring bio & chem.

Homemade Aromatherapy

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Homemade Lipstick

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